
What we learn in school and college

In school and college we all acquire skills off technical nature for specific fields. These skills are expected to sail us through various types and forms of assessments and exams. These technical skills which one acquires during their study years make the professional resume look great and value driven and one hopes that when the time arrives for campus recruitment or any kind of job interview these technical skills would be enough for the interviewer to decide whether or not to consider you as their future employee.

What we do not learn in school and college

Well, there is the catch. While the technical skills certainly add a lot of value and advantage on your resume however the thing that impresses the interviewer more is your ability to interact and communicate your thoughts clearly and passionately.


So basically what I am referring to is the “X- FACTOR” which is required to sail through the interviews and ultimately impress the interview well enough for them to recruit you without hesitation.

Experts believe that interviewers largely hire a candidate for their interpersonal skills or soft skills rather than their technical skills. Because knowledge can be imparted, skills can be taught but the interpersonal skills which are linked with our attitude cannot be changed much. Therefore whenever people hire future employees the focus is more on how the answers are delivered by the candidate rather than what the answer is delivered.

This brings us to our mission which is to help young people fine tune their soft skills because the great news is that soft skills or interpersonal skills can be acquired, developed and nurtured.

Let us talk about Soft Skills

When we talk about soft skills we essentially refer to verbal and non-verbal communication. And in non-verbal communication it is basically about body language cues and how can we influence others by using the power of interpersonal skills.

Remember, according to a worldwide survey 93% of the commination happens non verbally whilst 7% of the message gets delivered through words.

Examples of Soft Skills

Soft skills are a combination of verbal and non-verbal communication (remember body language) and how one can use these elements to influence people through:

  1. Problem Solving ability,
  2. Collaboration,
  3. Conflict Management,
  4. Learning to work Under Pressure,
  5. Demonstrating Leadership Behavior, and
  6. Communicating Optimism in their Interactions with People.

The future of modern workplace is in the hands of soft skills and even though they seem undervalued at times, in order to showcase your spectacular technical skills, developing superlative interpersonal skills is definitely the need of the hour.

At LearningNotes, we provide you material to obtain insight into these soft skills and become proficient in using the skills to obtain your desired goals.